susah dipakai bahasa Inggris
- susah: chabrin; cumbersome; difficult; sousse; susa;
- susah: chabrin; cumbersome; difficult; sousse; susa; susah; arduous; gruelling; unmanageable; sorry; dismal; dark; tough; awkward; stiff; blue; problematic; dreadful; cumbrous; elusive; disconsolate; drear
- bisa dipakai: usable
- dapat dipakai: usable; wearable; admit; applicable; utilizable; employable
- layak dipakai: wearable
- tidak dipakai: disuse; obsolescent
- dalam susah: be in difficulty; strife; suffer
- dengan susah: difficultly; hardly
- jangan susah: take easy
- membuat susah: ado
- sedang susah: in a pickle
- susah bernapas: breathless
- susah difahami: hard to understand
- susah dirangsang: stolidly
- susah hati: disordered; disquieted; disturbed; broken; distressed; affected; confused; touched; upset; worried; worry; moved; stirred
- Instrumentation has evolved from a cumbersome laboratory apparatus to compact electronic systems that often include computerized interpretation of the electrocardiogram.
Sebagai contoh, peralatannya telah berkembang dari alat laboratorium yang susah dipakai ke sistem elektronik padat yang sering termasuk interpretasi elektrokardiogram yang dikomputerisasikan.